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Amit Shah Numerology

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amit shah Numerology

Born on: 26th April, 1981

Current Home Minister of India, Amit Shah was born on 22 nd Oct, 1964 in Mumbai to Anil Chandra Shah. He studied from CU Shah Science College. He married Sonal Sh and has a child. He was involved with RSS as a swayamsevak from his college days. He started his career as a leader Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parisad from 1983 and in 1987 he joined BJP. In 2000 he was the president of ADCB. He won the four elections and became the MLA of Sarkhej. He recorded to won all his elections from various locals. He is also reffered to as the modern day Chanakya.

Talents/Strengths : A deep thinker, spiritually inclined. Unique, eccentric.

Areas of Concern : Too aloof and fears not living up to high standards. A loner.

General Learning : To seek answers to life's questions. Observe. Discover.

Practical Expression : Analytical field. Or self-employment in small business.

  • 1. She is a person with sacrifice, meditation, and spirituality. She is attracted to occult science.
  • 2. Nothing can make Amit Shah happier than to help others. She can even mess with her own lives in pursuit of helping others.
  • 3. Amit Shah is a person who is full of emotions.
  • 4. Inwardly they crave for authority and freedom. However, she is destined to go for jobs and professions where she need to work under authorities instead.
  • 5. Clerical and menial jobs suit her.
  • 6. She must remember to work hard and keep her focus to gain accolades. Failing to do so may take Amit Shah to the path of deterioration.
  • 7. She has strong work ethics and have a clear desire to follow the routine. However, she fail to implant discipline in her plan.
  • 8. Amit Shah is very cautious. Before taking any steps, she think several times.
  • 9. She is not impulsive. She love to win the race slowly and steadily.
  • 10. She is having scarcity in the department of luck. Only hard work and strategy can make her successful.
  • 11. Humanity and servitude are her greatest virtue.
  • 12. Though she follows the traditional path, she is accommodating to new and revolutionary ideas.

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